March Data Career Conversations - Data Science in the Agriculture sector

| February 29, 2024

Join us March 26th, 1:00 - 1:50 pm for Project DA-FANH’s monthly “Ask me Anything” speaker series. This time with Agricultural Biologist, Danny Maciel.

Danny is an Agricultural Biologist for the Butte County Agricultural Department. He was born in Southern California but raised in Baja California Mexico. Coming from a 3rd generation farming family, he’s made farming a huge part of his life. In 2015, he transferred to Chico State University to obtain an Agricultural Science degree in Crops and Horticulture. In 2019, he began to work full time at the Butte County Agricultural Department as an Agricultural Biologist. The primary goal and purpose of all county Agricultural Commissioners, statewide, is “To Promote and To Protect” agriculture. He inspects anything that is chemical related, for example; agriculture, structure pest control and maintenance garners. He is often in charge of overseeing the apiary program, certifying producers’ certificates and farmer markets, and not limited to other programs.

Are you interested in careers that use data to make informed decisions in the Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources or Human sciences? Do you want to know how professionals landed their career or what they wished they did during college?

Come visit and learn more about Danny and all of his experiences.

See the careers page for speaker information, dates & times, room and zoom links.

Register for all talks at this link: